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Jose (Noemi's) friend visited us for a week

He arrived on Wednesday the 6th of November. We spent a lot of time together and cooked (eat) very very much. On Saturday we started to play a spanish (drinking) game.

That's Noemi, while running around the table and drinking a glass of fanta with red wine. The hand on the nose is because someone introduced such a useless rule.
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That's me after finishing a glass of wine. Christina wanted to make a snapshot of me with my thumb on the nose - but I was faster *hehe*.
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YES! Also Christina had to drink. Unfortunately I was to lazy to get up, so you can't really see her.
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José is searching for the coin on the table (it's on the left side). If he touches a mug he has to empty it. In the end all mugs were empty :)
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Noemi wonders if Jose will find the coin.
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Once a again Jose has to empty a mug.
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I think I had to much.
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