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Liverpool on the 9th of February, 2003

That's us at Albert Dock, next to the river Mersey. There was a liiiiiight breeze, but the sun kept us warm.
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The Port of Liverpool Building.
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In such a ship people travelled from Liverpool towards the new world.
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Christina - in the background the Port of Liverpool and the Cunard Building (note: the water wasn't as blue as it is on the photo)
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St. Georg's Church
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We went on to chinatown. Everything was held in traditional chinese style - even the parking meters.
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And of course chinatown needs a nice gate
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That's a _CAR_
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Once again the chinese gate
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Next to Liverpool Cathedral was some kind of park with lots of tombstones. Really scary!!
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The tombstones.
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Since we where on the highest point of Liverpool, we took a shot of the
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Christina on top.
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Sascha MC
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Christina in front of the Liverpool Cathedral (Unfortunately we were not able to make a picture of us two as intended. The camera simply didn't take a photo :()
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So we had to do the pictures one after another
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Huge - isn't it (You ask what?? The Liverpool Cathedral of course!!)
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Back at the docks we glimpse back - you know where to, don't ya?
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