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Dorothea and Magdalena visited us for a few days

Christina's sisters visited us in the end of October/early November. It was very nice to be together with normal people (not english ones). We've been to Manchester visited the ManU Stadion and went shopping in the Trafford Center. Saturday afternoon we drove to Blackpool (this town is a big attraction park). Many great attractions, but it was very expensive!!

The Old Trafford stadium - home of Manchester United. Behind the glass front is a shop for ManU stuff only - amazing!
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Maggi and Doro in our room
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I think I really have an addiction to mars ice cream.
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Since they didn't want to sleep in our guest room they slept in our living room.
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Sweet dreams!
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NO!!! She's not addicted to her mobile phone.
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Blackpool - all trams are decorated with paintings - really nice.
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The streets and the houses at the promenade (5 km) are all illuminated - maybe that's why it's called illumination :)
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Another picture from the promenade (it's not very good - unfortunately)
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