
Zurück zur Standardansicht

After a long time I was motivated enough to update the page. Since the last update (7.10.1999) there have been a lot news.

Awaking from hibernation I started my training in April - and as far as I can see it beared fruit. I achieved 4058 points at the milleniums-decathlon in the Vienna Ernst-Happel stadion. Thorsten also showed his potential with 4082 points. Schmitzer and Rene could not show what they can due to injuries ;-(.

We're anxiously looking forward to the next decathlon in Linz on 2. & 3. of September.

100m 12,59 540 12,23 606 13,33 413 14 312
long jump 499 380 527 435 508 398 433 261
shot put 8,12 373 8,44 392 9,04 428 10,02 487
high jump 156 434 144 345 160 464 156 434
400m 59,02 447 57,14 516 66,34 223 72,27 94
day one 2174 2294 1926 1588
110m hurdles 18,59 469 17,19 605 20,22 332 23,01 151
discus throw 26,65 399 24,56 359 25,91 385 23,98 348
pole vault 250 242 230 199 250 242 150 54
javelin 35,15 372 24,51 223 33,63 351 32,57 336
1500m 324,64 426 334,39 378 374,27 209 0 0
day two 1909 1764 1519 889
total 4082 4058 3445 2477
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